Curriculum Overview
Year 1 Curriculum Overview 2024-2025
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
English | *Captions and labels *Sentence structure Contemporary Fiction Hairy Maclary *Retell & description Contemporary Fiction Lost and Found Billy and the Beast The Lion Inside | *Narrative Story *Diary Here Comes Frankie Contemporary Fiction *Letter writing *Questions and Facts Classic Fiction The Jolly Postman | *Narrative - new version Traditional Tales and Alternative versions Little Red Riding Hood
| *Classic Fiction/significant author A Midsummer Night’s Dream | *Poetry: Rhyming couplets Big Green Crocodile *Geographical Report – The UK *Note Taking Non Chronological Report | *Indirect Recount – people’s history/bio Significant People *Narrative- story Invent a character Contemporary Fiction The Adventures of the Egg Box Dragon
Maths | Number: counting within 100 | Number: comparison, wholes and parts Number: place value (0 to 5) Geometry: shape | Geometry: shape Number: place value (0 to 10) Number: addition | Number: addition Number: addition and subtraction facts within 10 | Number: place value (0 to 20) Number: multiplication (unitising and coin recognition) | Number: multiplication (unitising and coin recognition) Geometry: position and direction Measurement: time |
Science | Animals Seasonal changes -Autumn Scientist focus: Anders Celsius | Everyday Materials Scientist focus: Charles Mackintosh | Animals, including humans My Body Seasonal changes -Winter Scientist focus: Steve Backshall | STEM Projects Seasonal changes -Spring Scientist focus: Linda Brown Buck | Seasonal Changes | Plants Scientist focus:Beatrix Potter |
History | How are our toys and games similar or different to toys in the past? A similarity and difference enquiry | How did these people make a change in the world? Rosa Parks Millicent Fawcett Malala Yousafzai | Why are the journeys of Mansa Musa and Ibn Battuta remembered? Significance enquiry | |||
Geography | Mapping our Area- Local Area study | The UK – countries, capitals, seas, seasons, weather, settlements | Comparative Study- London & Nairobi | |||
Computing | Computing and Networks Technology around us | Creating Media Digital Painting | Programming A Moving a Robot | Data and Information Grouping Data | Creating Media Digital Writing | Programming B Programming animations |
Design and Technology | Mechanisms Sliders and Levers Project: Moving Picture | Mechanisms Sliders and Levers Project: Moving Celebration card | Food Preparing fruit and vegetables Project: Fruit salad | Food Preparing fruit and vegetables Project: Fruit smoothies | Structures Freestanding structures Project: structure (prop) from story book | Structures Freestanding structures Project: Bridges |
Music | My Musical Heartbeat How can we make friends when we sing together? | Dance, Sing and Play How does music tell stories about the past? | Exploring Sounds How Does Music Make the world a Better Place? | Learning to Listen How does Music Help us to Understand our Neighbours? | Having fun with Improvisation What Songs Can We Sing to Get Us Through the Day? | Let’s Perform Together Learning to play the Glockenspiel and read musical notation |
Art | Drawing Mark making with range of materials - Howard Hodgkin Make own tools Create and use different surface Make controlled drawing Use imagination to draw Patrick Caulfield | Painting Use of thick/thin paint Brush strokes - Joan Mitchell Respond to stories using colour Responding to artists work - Jasper Johns | Printmaking Direct printmaking Negative stencils Combine techniques –layered printed image Clay slab relief Collagraph block Primary colours - Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh, Piet Mondrian | Collage Tear, overlap, stick Identify hot/cold colours Contrasting materials Patrick Heron Andy Goldsworthy Richard Long | Textiles Investigate weaving Embellish fabric Fabric resist technique Wrapping and knotting technique Julia Bland | 3-D/Sculpture Pattern and line Working with clay Use a story as starting point Clay balls and coils Plaster cast mould Andy Goldsworthy Richard Long |
PSHE/ safeguarding | Physical & Mental Health | Keeping Safe | Relationships: Friends & Family | Respectful & safe Relationships | Living in the Wider World: Financial Literacy | Health & Wellbeing: Ourselves- Growing & Changing |
RE | What does it mean to belong to a faith community? | Who is a Christian and what do they believe? (part 1) | Who is a Muslim and what do they believe? (part 1) | How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times? (Part 1) | What makes some places sacred? | What makes some places sacred? |
PE | Introduction to Invasion Games | Introduction to Invasion Games | Gymnastics | Athletics | Cricket | Tennis |
Educational Visits | Local Park Geography | Local Christian Church RE | Using Transport (bus, tube, train) PSHE | British Library English | TBC | National Portrait Gallery Art/History |