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All admissions from Reception to Year 6 are managed by the London Borough of Waltham Forest. For more information on how to apply for a place in these year groups, please follow the link below

Applying for a Reception place for September 2025


If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 they are due to start in the Reception class at a primary school from September 2025. You must apply for a Reception class for your child even if they attend a school nursery or have an older brother or sister at your preferred school. If your child currently attends a nursery attached to a school this does not give them any priority for a place in Reception at that school.

The eAdmissions website for online applications opens in September 2024. The following link will take you directly to the website.

If you are having a technical problem completing your application please email

Applying for a Secondary place for September 2025

If your child is currently in Year 6 they are due to start school in September 2025. You must apply for a secondary place for your child even if they have an older brother or sister at your preferred school. The booklet ‘Starting Secondary School 2025’ contains all the information you need to know about applying for a secondary school place. Please check the latest admissions information below for updates to this booklet.

The closing date for applications is 31st October 2024

The eAdmissions website for online applications opened on 1st September and the closing date for applications is 31st October 2024. The following link will take you directly to the website.

There are FAQs and guidance sheets to help you complete your online application on the eAdmissions website. If you are having a technical problem completing your application please email

Please note the preferred method for secondary applications is digitally. If you are unable to apply online you can download the secondary common application form. Instructions for how to submit your paper application are on the back of the application form.


National Offer Day

The National Offer Day for Primary School Places is 16 April 2025

The National Offer Day for Secondary School Places is 3 March 2025

If you apply online by the closing date, an email with the outcome of your application will be sent to you in the evening of this date. For paper applications received by the closing date, a letter will be posted first class on the date above.

In Year Admissions

In year admissions is the term used when a child is looking for a school place during the academic year. Applications for in-year admission are usually made when you have moved to or moved house within Waltham Forest and need a new school place for your child as a result of that house move. You need to fill in an in-year common application form if your child is out of school and of school age, or if you want your child to move from one school to another within the same year group.

To complete an iCAF form please follow the link below:

Opossum Nursery

At the Opossum Nursery we accept children after their third birthday. All children in the nursery are eligible to attend for 15 hours a week, during a morning OR an afternoon session each day. Session times are

Morning: 8:45-11:45am

Afternoon: 12.45-3.45pm

To apply for a place at the Opossum Nursery please visit Newport or Dawlish Primary School to collect an Admission Form. You will only be contacted about a nursery place once your child turns 3 years old and we are in a position to offer your child a place. We cannot guarantee any places, therefore we recommend that you also apply to other nurseries. If you have any queries, please call Newport School during office hours on 0208 539 4552.

For information on the Opossum Nursery, please download the Nursery Handbook below

