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Speech Writers 2024

Newport Speech Writer 2024

For our inaugural federation speech competition, all of the children in Y4, 5 and 6 were given a theme about which they had to compose a speech in Spring 2.

Year 4 - Should Children have special rights?
Year 5 - Eco-Warriors: Is our federation doing enough?
Year 6 - The Amazon: A resource to be used or an environment we need to protect?

Each child was given the opportunity to compete in an in-class quarter-final heat performing their speech to their peers. Based on this two class champions were chosen.

The class champions then took part in a semi-final in their school were their Head of School chose one school champion per year groups.

The three Newport school finalists were Max (Y4), Yaxin (Y5) and Amra (Y6), you can watch their recorded speeches here.

These finalists competed at our first ever Opossum Federation Speech Writing Competition Final in Dawlish school on Wednesday 1st May 2024. The judges were three of our school governors who used our Oracy Framework to make their decision on the Overall Winner and Highly Commended Speeches from each year group.

All three of our finalists performed brilliantly and we are very proud of them. Both Yaxin (Y5) and Amra (Y6) won Highly Commended awards for their speeches.
